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4T-Maintenance of Traffic Plans

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The Traffic Control Plans course discusses the issue of work zone traffic control safety as it relates to plan design. Both safety and potential delay to the public caused by traffic interruptions during construction need to be addressed.

Description:- Work zone traffic control is an important function affecting the safety or motorists, pedestrians and work zone personnel. Every effort should be made to eliminate or reduce accidents within work zones. In addition to safety, the potential delay to the public – caused by traffic interruptions during construction should be reduced when possible.
The MUTCD states:- “To be effective, a traffic control device should meet five basic requirements:”

  • ∙ Fulfill a need
  • ∙ Command attention
  • ∙ Convey a clear and simple meaning
  • ∙ Command respect of road users
  • ∙ Give adequate time for proper response

In addition, traffic controls in work zones are to:

  • ∙ Warn motorists and pedestrians of hazards
  • ∙ Advise motorists of the proper travel path through the areav
  • ∙ Delineate areas where traffic should not operate
  • ∙ Separate and protect motorists, pedestrians, and the work force

The components of maintenance of traffic plans apply to the mainline roadway, crossroads, side streets, and off –ramps. Regulatory, warning and guide signs can be utilized to inform the motoring public of the work being performed. Channelizing devices such as cones, tubular markers, drums, vertical panels, type I barricades, type II barricades, directional indicator barricades and type III barricades can be used to move traffic around construction areas. Arrow panels and variable message signs can be used to notify the driver of construction activity. The components of traffic control zones consist of advance warning area, transition area, activity area and termination area. Tapers are utilized to shift traffic around work areas. The lengths of these areas are defined in the course. If a lane is to be closed for construction, a lane closure analysis must be completed to determine the times of the day at which the lane can be closed. Pedestrians and bicyclists must be accommodated in the maintenance of traffic plans. Flaggers can be used to stop, release and slow traffic in the construction area. A temporary traffic control (TTC) plan should be developed for use during construction. .

Maintenance of Traffic Outline The Traffic Control Plans course discusses the issue of work zone traffic control safety as it relates to plan design. Both safety and potential delay to the public caused by traffic interruptions during construction need to be addressed.
The fundamental principles of work zone traffic control are:

  • ∙ Make traffic safety an integral and high priority element of every project.
  • ∙ Avoid inhibiting traffic flow as much as possible.
  • ∙ Guide motorists in a clear and positive way.
  • ∙ Perform routine inspection of traffic control elements.
  • ∙ Give constant attention to roadside safety.

The requirements for traffic control devices and human factor principles for work zones are also discussed. The components of traffic control plans are listed. Definitions of work zone devices are provided along with reference to use of the Qualified Products List (QPL). Work zone device requirements are defined in detail. Traffic control planning is defined as a set of plans describing how traffic will be controlled during each construction phase. The components of traffic control zones, tapers types and lengths, lane closure and detours are included. Transportation management plan development is described as a method for minimizing activity-related traffic delay and accident by the effective application of traditional traffic handling practice and innovative combination of community and motorist collaboration. This course will provide the necessary information to provide an understanding of Maintenance of Traffic Plans. The fundamental principles of work zone traffic control are discussed. The requirements of traffic control devices and human factor principles for work zones are also discussed. The components of maintenance of traffic plans are listed. Work zone device requirements are defined in detail. Traffic control planning is defined as a set of plans describing how traffic will be controlled during each construction phase. The components of traffic control zones, tapers types and lengths, lane closure and detours are included. Transportation management plan development is described as a method for minimizing activity-related traffic delay and accident by the effective application of traditional traffic handling practice and innovative combination of community and motorist collaboration. The course is designed to provide a basic knowledge of traffic control plans from which an engineer can use this information in plan design.

Más información
Objetivos de aprendizaje


    • Principles of work zone maintenance of traffic include safety prioritization, avoiding inhibiting traffic, guiding motorists in a clear and positive way, routine inspection of traffic control elements and constant attention to roadside safety.
    • Requirements for maintenance of traffic devices must fulfill a need, command attention, convey a clear and simple meaning, command respect of road users and give adequate time for proper response
    • Components of maintenance of traffic plans are discussed as they include numerous design components
    • Work zone devices consist of various traffic control devices including, but not limited to advance warning signs, channelizing devices, arrow panels and changeable message signs
    • Maintenance of traffic planning consists of the development of a specific set of sheets detailing traffic control during the construction phase
    • Transportation management plan design should be developed in distinct phases to accommodate all aspects of the roadway construction

Horas de Contacto4 Horas
Instructor Debra Kennaugh, P.E.
DispositivosDesktop, Tablet, Mobile




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